LARP Topic
Returning After You Crash
When your game crashes, you'll be returned at the same position where you crashed.
Clothes system
Lets say that you selected Male character, so you can have male skins only.
No more stupid non-rp skin changes, you have to go to clothes shop and buy some new clothes.
Vehicle Ownership
You can buy a car from car dealership or a player. It will belong to you untill you sell it, and you can /v park your car everywhere you want.
You can own 3 vehicles at the same time.
Cellphone System
We have improved cellphone system a lot. You can call with unidentified number as the unknown person. Every cellphone has a speaker, that you can turn on. /hangup bug fixed too and new command /hidenumber for donators. Short number added instead of /service [name]. Ex.: /call 111 will call you a pizza boy.
Car Engine
Car must be started, before driving. You can start you engine by pressing SHIFT or typing /engine. Engine has 3/4 chances to start and 1/4 to fail. If car damage is more then 50% your engine will brake down, so you have to call a mechanic.
Mask System
We have mask system too, once you are Level 5, you can buy a mask at 24/7. If you're wearing it, no-one can see your name. And you'll be with the unknown name too. Ex.: Stranger says: Stay cool.
Note System
Everyone has a notebook with 5 pages, you can /createnote, /givenote, /shownotes, /deletenote.
Inventory System
If you put your gun at your inventory it will be saved even you'll disconnect.
Trunk System
Every 4 wheeled car has a trunk with 4 slots for weapons and 1 slot for body armour.
Trunks are saveable, so your guns will be saved even after game mode restart.
Licensing System
No more stupid Licensers, you can buy license at DMV and start driving.
( Driving test disabled, 0.3 CP's Bug )
You can find jobs all over LS.
Lawyer, Whore, Car Mechanic, Bodyguard, Boxer, Bus Driver,
Trucker, Pizza Boy, Farmer, Drug Dealer, Materials Smuggler & Street sweeper
There is almost 100 houses around Los Santos.
Most of the "house bugs" are fixed.