Мастер джэдай
Сообщений: 2985
Награды: 24
Город: Мой маленький Амстердам
Репутация: 320
Замечания: 80%
| Youngsters vs Oldies Team DeathMatch version 0.5 by bogeyman_EST Introduction: Jake Senior and Jake Junior were having a nice dinner and talking some usual family stuff, when suddenly they started talking about guns and shooting stuff: "Oh, when i was in Vietnam, i used to blast those freaking Chinese into a billion pieces with my RPG", said Jake Senior. "But dad, there were no Chinese in the Vietnam war...", said Jake Junior. "What? Yes there were. I shot them with my own hands!", answered Senior angrily. "No there weren't any Chinese!" "Yes there was!". Jake Senior grabbed his shotgun and pointed it at Junior: "Yes.... there..... WAS!". Then he shot his gun. KABOOOOOOM and there was a humongous hole in the floor. "Where did you go?", asked Senior and started searching for Jake Junior. Junior jumped out from behind the couch: "Haha, here I am!" KABOOOOM and there was a huge hole in the ceiling. "Shit, my aim isn't what it used to be...", said Jake Senior, "We need to settle this! Gather your damn friends and I'll get mine and we'll settle this once and for all in a huge war!!" Requirements: dini DUBD dutils Installation: Download the GM Place the two files in you gamemodes folder Create the folders "Youngsters vs Oldies\Users" and "Youngsters vs Oldies\Timebans" into you Scriptfiles folder Add the line gamemode0 young_vs_old 1 to your server.cfg file (if you already have a line with gamemode0 in it, then just replace it!) Start the server, join the game, login as RCON, register, spawn and you will have the maximum admin level Features: Two teams: Youngsters and Oldies A complete registration system which saves your score, money and adminlevel An admin system with 3 admin levels! Constantly updating! Admin system includes /timeban which very few have ever created! Protection against teamkill: first kill = warning, second = kick Automatic login through IP comparison Weapon purchasing using /buyweaps Download: version 0.3 version 0.4 version 0.5 **recommended**
Хочу быть кем-то потому, что кто-то это уже кто-то. А никто всегда остаётся никем. SAMP форева. SAMP-RUS живёт! Все играть в SAMP быстро!
Сообщение отредактировал MiX - Вторник, 02.09.2008, 01:27 |