Well I decided to release my Stunt/Drift/Race/DM gamemode created by me but I also have some people who I have to give credit. •Why am I releasing it
►Firstly, we had arround 50 players in our server. But I made a big mistake. I kept restarting the server due bugs(mostly the race system. That's why I removed it completly). Our server also kept crashing due that and so we lost our players. Now I'm sharing it with anyone who wants to use it.
►Registration system
►Login system
►DeathMatching system
►Admin system
►Many teleportations
►Many commands
►Countdown for races
►Logs for: bans, kicks and vehicle spawning
►Own clan system that you can modify for your own.
►Registration system
»/register with file saving
►Login system
»/login + file reading
►DeathMatching system
»Saving Kills and Deaths
»Adds +1 score per Kill
»DM Arena(Golf arena in the north of LV)
»Arena modified with lots of objects and protected arround it to prevent escapes.
»Cannot teleport/heal etc inside the arena.
»Must enter the death skull icon and type /exitdm to exit the arena
»World Bounderies
»2 health icons with barrels arround them.
»NUCLEAR BOMB. Once 30 minutes, the bombs will launch and detonate 1/3 of the DM arena. (Admins got a command to launch it manually too)
►Admin system
»Simply type /ah ingame or inside the script to check the commands
»+ /crash to crash a player
»Warn system
»Can make yourself admin ingame by logging in with RCON( /rcon login [password] )
►Many teleportations
»Check /tele ingame or inside the script to view them.
»Also indicates everyone when a player teleports. "Player warped to place. ( /tele )"
►Many commands
»Type /commands ingame to check the commands
►Countdown for races
►Logs for: bans, kicks and vehicle spawning
»Self explained. Logs are saved in "scriptfiles"(default)
►Own clan system that you can modify for your own.
»Clan PM
»Clan Territory(With own weapons to defend their clan base[if any])
»Login/Registration system
»Class selection
»Vehicle Spawning command ( /veh )
»Spectating function( /view )
»Helping me doing the /bomb function
►Whoever made:
If anyone was forgotten, please mention it in this topic or through PM
►ThaDon & Mike_Jones
»Some Teleportations
»Stunt Teleportations
►DM stats. ( /dmstats ) - Textdraw
»If anyone else checks his stats, both of their stats will be buggy.
»Won't increase the kill string when you kill someone.
You could report more here, if you find any.