Streamer Edition v7 RC1 Added Inventory command to view your amount of money, bank money, gang bank money, weed and condoms Added House Options Added Bank Robbing Added LS Zones Added Zone WARS Added some houses in Golfers area as a test(they work great) Updated credits Updated help commands Fixed crashes Fixed a few Vehicle spawns Fixed Server Crash where the race script rotation feature was given the wrong file path for the race list. Further optimised code Customized the race system's setting so now it will work automatically Smiley
Streamer Edition v7 Details
* tAxI's TSS - tAXi's Streamer System, AIO supports Vehicle/Pickup/Minimap/Object Streaming!!! * Very Low CPU-Usage * LAdmin Administration Script * Yagu's RACE Script * Simple House Systems Script * Multi-Language Support * Filled up with 1276/ Vehicles:D * Amazing Business System by tAxI * Cars and classes all over SA * Exactly 51 classes in SA * Cool pickups around SF with more too come! * Cool vehicle menu with /vmenu to control a few vehicle options * Lots of great commands * Gangs and gang Zone Wars all over SA * Trains and Trams and RC Vehicles * Incredible Role-Play Job System * Filled with 194/3000 Business
Regular Edition v7 Details
* tAxI's TSS - tAXi's Streamer System, AIO supports Pickup/Minimap/Object Streaming!!! * Very Low CPU-Usage * LAdmin Administration Script * Yagu's RACE Script * Simple House Systems Script * Multi-Language Support * Amazing Business System by tAxI * Cars and classes all over SA * Exactly 51 classes in SA * Cool pickups around SF with more too come! * Cool vehicle menu with /vmenu to control a few vehicle options * Lots of great commands * Gangs and gang Zone Wars all over SA * Trains and Trams and RC Vehicles * Incredible Role-Play Job System * Filled with 194/3000 Business * Filled up with 672 vehicles which is the most vehicles you can squeeze in Cheesy
Please suggest anything you would like to see in The Next Release otherwise i dont know what to script next!
Install Instructions:
* 1.Download the script * 2.Extract the contents of "gamemodes" into your gamemodes folder * 3.Extract the contents of "scriptfiles" into your "scriptfiles" folder * 4.In your server config you must have the line gamemode0 [Name of Gamemode] 1 * 5.Enjoy:D, If you don't enjoy then you did something wrong!!!
SATDM "7" Progress Developement The Full SATDM 7 has been released!
Overall Completion: 7
Bug reports must be reported in the following context:
SATDM Version The problem Does the problem occur 100% of the time Do you have EVERY single file from the archive Where does it occur:[/b] What are the final things you did that led to this Brief description of the bug
Common Sense! You must have every single file included in this package otherwise nothing will work!
File Sys Setup The businesses setup file must contain the coords/info of your businesses to be added into the GM in the following
format: x,y,z,name,price,profit (the profit amount will be transferred to the business cash box every hour)
Making Admins! How To Make Yourself an Admin 1. Open your server.cfg and set a rcon password: Code:
rcon_password "Your Password"
2.Go into your server and login into rcon. Write this in chat: /rcon login "Your Password" 3.You have are now logged in as an admin. 4. And now give yourself 'Admin Powers' /giveLadmin 5. Now you are a level 5 admin
Make someone else an admin 1.Go into your game and do this: /setlevel [players id] [level(1-10)] 2.Have fun Smiley
Remember that you have to be a server owner to give someone else admin rights!
System Changes Whenever you change anything in the "SYS_SETUP" folder you. First MUST Delete the file that corresponds to what you changed in the folder called"SYS_SAVE" Eg. if you change vehicle_setup.PiMp/vehicle_streamer_setup.PiMp you must delete
vehicle_perm.PiMp/vehicle_streamer_perm.PiMp It's the same for businesses
33pavlik33, вот тебе статья, осталось перевести на русский язык, я английским не очень хорошо юза, так что ищи переводчика Электронными переводчиками сразу советую не пользоватся, должного перевода не добьёшся, а ещё сильнее запутаешся
Я вернулся =)
Сообщение отредактировал LOGOTiPiK - Четверг, 19.02.2009, 14:09
Pawno включил старый от сервера 0,2,2 и о ЧУДО! Теперь осталось кое-что изменить... Например: Неодходимо убрать Anti-team killl в моде. Правильно будет, если я из кода вырежу весь кусочек:
//============================Anti-Team kill Script============================= public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new string[256]; new deathreason[20]; SendDeathMessage(killerid,playerid,reason); TextDrawSetString(stxt[playerid]," "); // TextDrawSetString(zonetext," "); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~~h~OWNED",10000,1); GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); GetWeaponName(reason, deathreason, 20); new pstring[256]; //player message //new Float:x, Float:y; new killer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(killerid, killer, sizeof(killer)); if(InDuel[playerid] == 1) { GameTextForPlayer(killerid,"Winner !",3000,3); SpawnPlayer(killerid); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Loser !",3000,3); for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++) { InDuel[playerid] = 0; } } for(new x=0; x<GetMaxPlayers(); x++) { if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && gSpectateID[x] == playerid) { AdvanceSpectate(x); } } if (strlen(deathreason) > 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "*** %s owned %s. (%s)", killer, pname, deathreason); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "*** %s owned %s.", killer, pname); } if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && gPlayerClass[playerid] == gPlayerClass[killerid]) { KillerID[playerid] = killerid; new warning[256]; format(warning, sizeof(warning), ">Осторожно, вы можете быть наказына за убийство человека из своей команды"); SendClientMessage(killerid, 0xFFFF00AA, warning); ShowMenuForPlayer(TK,playerid); } else { new kscore=GetPlayerScore(killerid); SetPlayerScore(killerid,kscore++); new kstring[256]; //killer message GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); format(kstring, sizeof(kstring), "~b~Haha Ya 0wned %s",pname); GameTextForPlayer(killerid, kstring, 4000, 3); new kname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //killername GetPlayerName(killerid, kname, sizeof(kname)); format(pstring, sizeof(pstring), "~r~:( you got 0wned by %s",kname); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, pstring, 4000, 3); PlayerInfo[playerid][Deaths]++; PlayerInfo[killerid][Kills]++; return 1; } SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED, string); new moneytemp; moneytemp = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); GivePlayerMoney(killerid,moneytemp/2); KillTimer(rapetimer); DropWeapons(playerid); IsSpawned[playerid] = 0;
Разумно сказано, если оперативу жрёт как ты говориш, то всё, хуже некуда? Если мозг иметь, то можно отточить эту детку и у меня это получилось, только давным давно это сделал, а мод сам затерялся Я вернулся =)
я нашел метотом тыка в чем проблема,отключал таймеры по одному и тестили оказался таймер PD который за зарплату и доход от бизнеса отвечает без него все ок,(конечно иногда вылетают по одному но это уже сам самп)
33pavlik33, дак обошли бы эту проблему)) Как друг прямо у меня, ошибка какая нибудь виндоуская начинает вылазить, он сразу винду переустонавливает, я вот лучше поковыряю и постораюсь найти решение этой проблемы, не уйти, а избавится от проблемы Я вернулся =)