Используй это..........и инклуды гляди внимательней там это есть....... stock ConvertSeconds(time) //By El Presy
new string[40];
if(time < 60)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%d seconds", time);
else if(time == 60)
string = "1 minute";
else if(time > 60 && time < 3600){
new Float: minutes;
new seconds;
minutes = time / 60;
seconds = time % 60;
format(string, sizeof(string), "%.0f minutes and %d seconds", minutes, seconds);
}else if(time == 3600)
string = "1 hour";
else if(time > 3600){
new Float: hours;
new minutes_int;
new Float: minutes;
new seconds;
hours = time / 3600;
minutes_int = time % 3600;
minutes = minutes_int / 60;
seconds = minutes_int % 60;
format(string, sizeof(string), "%.0f hours, %.0f minutes and %d seconds", hours, minutes, seconds);
return string;
native ConvertSeconds(time);
stock timeconvert_seconds(time) //By Sacky
new minutes;
new seconds;
new string[256];
if(time > 60){
minutes = floatround(time/60);
seconds = floatround(time - minutes*60);
seconds = floatround(time);
return string;
native timeconvert_seconds(time);
stock timeconvert(Time, &Minutes, &Seconds, &MSeconds) // by Dabombber
new Float:fTime = floatdiv(Time, 60000);
Minutes = floatround(fTime, floatround_tozero);
Seconds = floatround(floatmul(fTime - Minutes, 60), floatround_tozero);
MSeconds = floatround(floatmul(floatmul(fTime - Minutes, 60) - Seconds, 1000), floatround_tozero);
native timeconvert(Time, &Minutes, &Seconds, &MSeconds);[u]
плюсы за ответ приветствуются