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Последние Файлы GTA 4 Последние Файлы GTA-MP Реклама
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Модератор форума: Kievskiy  
[FS] Car Coordinator v0.1.5
NC22Дата: Среда, 14.05.2008, 03:38 | Сообщение # 1
Уверенный в себе
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 260
Награды: 1
Репутация: 17
Замечания: 0%
It is script created for some things like show,load,play demo, or some functions like bot
There are list commands of bot [FS]:
/createcar [id] - create car by ID
/cor - save coordinats in to file cor1.txt
/carid - know ID of car ( you must be in car)
/carset [id] - set ID of car-bot (for know ID type /carid)
/gocar [id] - Set way of car bot. It can go around position x or y or z. At first you should type /carset (for some test type /gogogo. And you were teleport in some area for testing)
/gtcar [id] - teleport at car by ID
/gogogo - testing poligon
/loadway [file] - load way file for car bot
/createway [file] - create file with way for car bot(you must be in car-bot when yousing command. It some like demo creation. You type command and script save your way in to file)
/playway - Play way (car bot will go) (you not should be in car bot when youse)
/lapway - cicle Play way command, and it remember laps. (to turn off command type /lapway again)
/killer 1 or 0 for /lapway. Do agrassive bot if you block it way.
/stop - to stop rec of points of way
/help1 - command for help
/option [option] [var] - speed (recomend 1teleport/25miniseconds, t.e. 25) - it will change speed timer of commands /createway,/playway, /gocar (way just for that command)
limit of still – 900, you can change in pwn file. Sorry for my bad English skill. If any can correct my mistakes, please do this for respect. O.o

[FS] Car Coordinator v 0.1|[FS] Anti Art-Money (введена игровая валюта)|
Программа для Конвертирования карт SAMP в MTA и обратно © NC22
SeWeRДата: Понедельник, 19.05.2008, 05:09 | Сообщение # 2
Мастер джэдай
Группа: I'm V.I.P.
Сообщений: 3069
Награды: 66
Город: Киев
Замечания: 20%
BUT already there is russian version this violin or I mistaken?The Current little sultry beside me,but so much well!

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