VirtualScripting RPG
San Fierro based RPG
The VirtualScripting RPG is a RPG Gamemode scripted by Andre9977, this is not PEN1, nor Godfather.
• Registration & logging system (\scriptfiles\VirtualScriptingRP\accounts\)
• Admin system
• Logging system (basic activities)
• Anticheat system (health, money, armour hack)
• Customizable textdraw system (function: InfoTextDraw(playerid, "VS RPG", 1000), which will display text "VS RPG" for 1 second (1000 ms)
• Counting system (such as (un)successful commands, weapon kill count, etc.)
• Driving license system
• Bank system (3 banks in SF, marked with green icon and a very flexible system)
• First time tutorial (you will take a tutorial when playing for first time, though camera positioning is not finished yet)
• Police system (Go to SFPD to become one, weapons, vehicles, commands like /suspect, /jail, etc.)
• Bar system (not yet finished!!!)
• Tons of smaller features that aren't worth to be mentioned
Bar system is not totally finished yet, though it's stable and already has 2 types of bars (regular bar, cocktail bar), currently has only 2 bars in North San Fierro district.
Admin commands:
Level 1+: /a (chat), /wb /clearchat /kick /akill /warn /getid /seepms /flip /(un)freeze /playerinfo /asay /ip /mute /ajail /force /flipme, /setfuel
Level 2+: /tele /ban /ann /cnn /giveweapon /fuckup /goto /gethere /eject /sethealth /setarmour /healall /armourall
Level 3+: /disarm /disarmall /explode /time /weather /getallhere /setmoney /jetpack, /setname /wantedlevel /givelicense, /takelicense
Level 4+: /setlevel /restart /disarmall /reloadbans /reloadlogs /mapname /servername /sexplode /sban /skick
Police commands:
All officers: /suspect /unsuspect /jail, /suspects
Taxi commands:
Everyone: /taxi [fee] (while in a taxi, cab) /calltaxi
Everyone: /enter /exit /buy /kill /stats
Seems that we run less on commands? Well, there are some hidden ones, plus 70% of the RP system is built on checkpoints, pickups, etc.
This gamemode is far from perfection at the moment, I'll keep developing it, but I'm afraid I will be a bit more inactive now.
But I'll try to keep a list of bugs, fix them as possible.
I do not wish messages as "CRASH ON REGISTER PLZ PLZ HELP!!!!!!", I wish it in a mature way, describe what you were doing, etc.
And there's a fix for the bug shown above: You MUST have correct folders, which are:
\scriptfiles\VirtualScriptingRP\stats\ If any of those is missing, you will be warned and the server willl GMX.
Mode By Andre9977