GTAF - Gang Training And Fun
Version 1.0
Why the name?
I have no idea where i got the name "GTAF" from but im guessing it was on the top of my mind, sounds silly but i have no idea what else to call it so whatever.
What is this?
This is a gamemode which i've been working over for months but developement has be going really slow, and have been using this ever since my first clan which was meant to be for them, as i moved on from clans i named it "GTAF" which ended up now but traces of coding as when i first started scripting in pawn may be found but i've tried my best to replace all the bad coding, anyway about the changelog that is shown inside only started when i felt as if i should be adding a changelog so it wasnt used back when i first started coding, so lets move onto what you can do with this gamemode..
This gamemode is mainly created for clan training, over the months i've added some "fight club arena's" where members could have one on one fights, the problem is i haven't created a countdown yet as the developement has gone alot slower since im alot more busy now, so which is why i wanted to release it now.
It also has 2 "gang war arena's" included where gang wars could take place.
Away from clan training i also added some features so when not training they could "chill" and just play around with some of their clanmates or friends so which i have added some features like bounties, tuning vehicles and ramping.
/login /register /report /hitman /bounty /bounties /ramping /setramp
/lock /unlock /uzi /tec9 /kill /savep /loadp /skin /nos /fix /teleport \me /givecash /flip /dive /cardive /nick
Admin Level 1:
/kick /ban /spec /specoff /slap /mute /throw /ajail /goto /clearchat /unjail
/armour /aheal /showmessage
Admin Level 2:
/(v)ehicle /jetpack /screw /healall /armourall /fetch /akill /readpms
Admin Level 3:
/givemoney /giveweapon /god /godoff /godall /godalloff /fetchall
/fc1 /fc2 /fc3 /fc4 /tpgw /tpgw2 /tune1 /tune2 /tune3
The gamemode provides alot of features, the "/vehicle" command spawns vehicles by their vehicle names that are defined, when entering a vehicle it will also tell you what the vehicle is named, we also have a admin chat which is trigged by "@ [message]", another feature that the gamemode has is if you die at "/fc1/2/3/4" you will spawn back there after death, also all commands are printed into the console for logs and lastly the teamchat is also useful as for when there are gangwars which is triggered by "! [message]".
FarePak - Main Scripter
Larzi - Debugging
Sneaky - Admin + Account system
DracoBlue - Dutils
Seif - Vehicle Names
Jay - Ramping + Vehicle Spawning
_J_A_K_E_ - NOS Menu
Download And Extra Notes
> Reccomended Link <
> Mirror 1 <
> Mirror 2 <
>>> Important after downloading <<<
You need and a new folder in Scriptfiles named "accounts"
To make yourself or other people admin, log onto RCON and use /makeadmin [level].
I would like the credits to not be touched or removed, editing this script for your own use i will allow but if released i would like credit, if any bugs found i will fix them in next version but please post them in this thread, i am also taking any suggestions and lastly please don't make any mirrors please.