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Модератор форума: Kievskiy  
[GM] Los Santos - The Next Episode
YnesloDaleKoДата: Четверг, 04.09.2008, 11:30 | Сообщение # 1
Мастер джэдай
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 2985
Награды: 24
Город: Мой маленький Амстердам
Репутация: 320
Замечания: 80%
By: Sneaky & G-sTyLeZzZ

Los Santos - The Next Episode 0.1R

Street Gang's

Gangs are a big feature in LSTNE, this allows you to team up with other players and fight other gangs in the server, take zones and gain respect, and become one of the most notorious gangs in Los Santos.

LSTNE's gang system is different from other gang systems ever seen, once you made an gang it means its permanent and the gang will not dissapear after an restart, or server crash. You will be automaticcly be put in the gang as soon as you login, when you spawn you will receice your gang's weapons, see the message of the day etc etc.

You can upgrade your gangs health, armour, weapon set and many more, in the future you will be able to buy gang houses, with your own gang cars, you can choose them yourself and set the color of the car you want. Also taking gangzones is permanent, thats means gangzones will not dissapear afther an server restart or server crash, the gangzones you and your member take over can only be taken over by enemy gangs.

Gang's Commands & Info

How do I create a gang?

Afther 10 hours of playing time you can create your own gang with /gang create .

What are the gang commands?

Members commands:

/gang quit - quit your gang.
/gang join - join a gang.
/gang showmotd - show the gangs message of the day

Leaders commands:

/gang invite playerid - invite a player into your gang.
/gang kick playerid - kick a player from your gang.
/gang destroy - destroy your gang.
/gang motd - set the message of the day for your gang.

/gang color color - set the gangs color, avaible colors are:

yellow, pink, limegreen, lightblue, grey, brown
purple, gold, lightred, darkgrey, orange, lightgreen

Gang upgrades:

/gang upgrade health - upgrade the spawn health of your gang (max 150).
/gang upgrade armor - upgrade the spawn armor of your gang (max 100).
/gang upgrade stealth - upgrade the visibilty of your gang on the radar (fully upgraded equals invisibility).
/gang upgrade ff - upgrade the friendly fire of your gang, your members and you wont be able to kill eachother.

Gang weapon upgrades:

/gang uprade ammo ammo-amount - upgrade your gangs spawn ammo
/gang upgrade weapon 1-5 - upgrade the gangs spawn weapons

Weapon set 1: M4, MP5, Desert Eagle, Knife
Weapon set 2: Shotgun, MP5, Silence Pistol, Baseball bat
Weapon set 3: Combat Shotgun, AK-47, Chainsaw, Fire Extinguisher
Weapon set 4: M4, Silcener Pistol, Shotgun, Shovel
Weapon set 5: AK-47, Desert Eagle, MP5, Katana

Upgrade prices

Health - $500000,- +10 health, everytime you upgrade.
Armor - $750000,- +10 armour, everytime you upgrade.
Stealth - $500000,- less visibility on the radar everytime you upgrade.
Friendly Fire (ff) - $2500000,-
Weapon sets - $500.000,- per weapon set.
Weapon ammo - $500.000,- per 250 ammo.

How do I take gangzones?

You can take gangzones by killing members of other gangs.

How do I talk with my gang only?

To talk only with the people from your gang, use "!" as prefix for gang chat.

How do I view the gangs MOTD (message of the day)?

The gangs MOTD will be shown when you spawn, or type /gang showmotd to view the motd.

Other Commands & Info

/register - Register your nickname.
/stats - View your in game stats
/kill - Commit suicide
/box - View the news
/givecash - Give cash to a player
/votekick - Start vote kicking a player.
/item(s) - view the items you got.
/useitem - Use an item.
/gangstats - View gangstats.
/ahelp - View admin commands.
/help - View player commands.

Admin Commands & Info

/ban - Ban a player.
/kick - Kick a player.
/slap - Slap a player.
/drop - Drop a player.
/get  - Bring a player to you.
/goto  - Goto a player.
/newsbox - Set the news of the newsbox.
/spec  - Spectate a player.
/specoff - Stop spectating a player.
/setcp  - Create a streetrace.
/addsqlrace - Add a race to mysql.
/car - Create a car.
/makeadmin - Make someone admin.
/makehouse  - Make a house.
/cancelhouse - Stop making a house.
/loc - Goto a location.
/killvote - Stop a vote kick.
/givemoney - Give money to a player.
/houseinfo - View info of a house.
/gmx - Restart the server.
'@' - Admin chat.

IRC Commands & Info

!msg - Send a message to in game players as normal user
!date - View the date and time
!serverstats - View server stats (total joins, deaths, kills etc)
!admins - View admins online
!kill - Kill a player
!kick - Kick a player
!ban - Ban a player
!asay - Send a message to in game player as admin
!addserverop - Add a server operator (if added they can use certain irc commands)
!delserverop - Delete a server operator
!addkickuser - Add a player to the auto kick list
!delkickuser  - Delete a player from the kick list
!addsqlrace - Add a sql race
!rawa(b,c) - Send a raw irc command
!join - Let the bot join another channel


LSTNE has an event system, every 10 minutes an new event will start allowing you to gain experience money and respect. The following event's are currently in LSTNE and more will be added!


A message in the chat will tell you when the derby starts and a red marker (checkpoint) will appear on the radar, simply drive to the checkpoint and walk into it and you will be put in the derby arena. The goal is to survive and the player who survives will receive a sum of cash as reward and experience points!


A message in the chat will tell you when the streetrace starts and a race checkpoint will appear on the radar, simply get a nice car or fast bike and go into the race marker, once there wait till the race start and go! If you win you will receive experience points and a sum of cash as reward.

Grand Theft Auto:

A message in the chat will tell you GTA will start in 60 seconds.. a pimped out ride will spawn randomly in Los Santos with on top a yellow marker, the goal is to get the car and deliver it to a checpoint, if you have done that you will receive experience and cash!


A message in the chat will tell you when the deathmatch starts and a red marker (checkpoint) will appear at the Los Santos pier, simple walk into it and you joined the deathmatch! The goal is to get as many kills a spossible and as reward you will receive experience and cash!


A random player will be selected as "most wanted" the goal is to eliminate that player and if you do so you will receive cash and experience! If you are the hunted player and manage to survive for 5 minutes you will receive cash and experience points!

House's, Banks, Motels & Other


You can buy a house if you are a high enough level! If you bought a house it means you will keep it even when your offline (unless you've been offline for 3 days). Owning a house means you will spawn there, and you can buy your own house car at a business! You can enter houses by pressing 'TAB' and open the house menu by pressing 'ENTER' the menu allows you to rent, buy and sell houses.

House commands:

/house sell - Sell your house!
/house buy - Buy a house!
/house rent - If the house owner setted the house as rentable you can rent the house and spawn there!
/house lock - Lock and unlock the door of the house for other players!
/house rentable - Allow player to rent the house, or disallow player to rent the house.
/house setrent - Set the rent of the house!


There are 3 motels in Los Santos, and you can enter them by pressing 'TAB'. Inside the motel you can open the motel menu by pressing 'ENTER'  you can rent the motel and if you do so you will spawn there!

Los Santos Bank

The Los Santos bank is located near the Market Ammunation, you can enter it by pressing 'TAB' once inside you can open the bank menu by pressing 'ENTER' it allows you to easy bank and withdraw your money in no time!

Market Ammunation

Need guns? Goto ammunation! You can enter the amunation by prsssing 'TAB' and open the weapon menu by pressing 'ENTER' ammunation got every weapon you can imagine!

Other shit.

Anti money cheat.
Anti jetpack.
Anti this anti that.
Admin level system.
Player statistics, such as kills, deaths, online time, ratio etc.
Level system based on experience.
MySQL ban system (no native ban system anymore).
About 650 vehicles.
Lots of register options (standard enabled).


You can register an game/forum account at www.stats.lstne.net if you do so your stats will be saved, such as deaths/kills ratio, experience, gang status and many more. Also you can manage your account at www.stats.lstne.net allowing you to change your spawn position, view an online map of players in the server, view the news center and many more!

Some screenshots:

Notice: You need to be logged in for viewing other profiles or viewing top lists.

All Accounts/Races/Gangs and much more are stored in our MySQL Databases so we were able to create a Statistic Page with a lot of live information.

How do I register a Account?

You can register a Account ingame or on the following Link. (http://stats.lstne.net).

How can I find my Account on this Page?

1. Go to this link and enter the name you want to search: http://stats.lstne.net/index.php?page=search
2. You could also go through all accounts and search for yours: http://stats.lstne.net/index.php?page=userlist

Are there any features?

Absolutely! You are able to manage your game profile through this page. For example you are able to change your spawn position or changing your password. You can also view your stats and new things will be added as soon as possible.

Each account gets his own Dynamic Statisticbar and site. (useful for signatures)

http://stats.lstne.net/index.php?page=playerinfo.php&name=G_sTyLeZzZ // Sitepage
http://stats.lstne.net/modules/sig.php?nick=_Sneaky&type=7 // Statisticbar (can be used as signature)

How can I put my Statisticbar in my signature?

Copy the link to your statsbar in your signature and put the image tag around it.



PS: There are about 15 different statsbar styles. Just change the type number!

Which other things are shown on the Statisticpage?

You can view the Top 25 list of Deadliest Killers or Top 25 Worst Survivors. The page also contains all current Gangs on the Server. Each gang will be logged on this page!




1. You need a working MySQL server.
2. The lstne.sql file contains the database structure, just execute the SQL queries in that file on your DB.
3. Open lstne.pwn and goto line 80 to setup other stuff for irc and MySQL.
4. Add 'plugins irc sampmysql' to your server.cfg if your on linux make sure to add the extention ".so".

How to make myself admin?

1. Rcon login
2. Type, /makeadmin ID level (1-4)

Please do not remove credits.

Note that if you dont know shit about MySQL etc then dont bother asking here I wont help you, in fact I wont help you with anything cause I dont give a shit.. also no bug fixes and other released will be released.. have fun!

Download (includes SQL and IRC plugin(s)):


If you dont just want to have a scroll through (it didn't fit on pastebin):


Хочу быть кем-то потому, что кто-то это уже кто-то. А никто всегда остаётся никем. SAMP форева. SAMP-RUS живёт!
Все играть в SAMP быстро!

Сообщение отредактировал MiX - Четверг, 04.09.2008, 11:33
ExceedДата: Среда, 10.12.2008, 18:59 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 307
Награды: 6
Город: зараженных
Репутация: 51
Замечания: 20%
Good script, but a lot of bugs...

DenverДата: Среда, 31.12.2008, 10:45 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 47
Награды: 1
Город: Дуст
Репутация: 5
Замечания: 0%
Can you send me some scrins?

Посмотрите на вещи иначе...
BestSingleДата: Вторник, 06.01.2009, 17:01 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 7
Награды: 1
Город: Тольятти
Репутация: 1
Замечания: 0%
Good script, but a lot of bugs... fun

Хостинг SA-MP серверов качественно и доступно ICQ: 6057252
N[i]k_EДата: Четверг, 19.02.2009, 00:21 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 698
Награды: 3
Город: Киев :)
Репутация: 37
Замечания: 40%
BestSingle, Bitch fluder.
Mods nice, but I think garbage.

1000000 машин на сервере, не веришь? Не верь :fun:
БаняДата: Пятница, 13.03.2009, 04:34 | Сообщение # 6
Уверенный в себе
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 179
Награды: 11
Город: Наша Раша
Репутация: 31
Замечания: 0%
I heard this is a good script. But once again. Its always better if you make your own. :)

Скриптер - Пошел вон, противный!

[GM] San Fierro Team Death Match

raenДата: Четверг, 19.03.2009, 11:03 | Сообщение # 7
Уважаемый человек
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 785
Награды: 25
Город: PакунСити
Репутация: 154
Замечания: 20%
Amazing GM :D

- Social Roleplay - ucp.gtamir.ru -
ShehrozsДата: Понедельник, 08.06.2009, 15:13 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
Награды: 1
Город: Москва
Репутация: 0
Замечания: 0%
Very good :)
HuckДата: Понедельник, 29.06.2009, 10:38 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 16
Награды: 2
Город: На краю земли....
Репутация: 11
Замечания: 0%
Nice work!
33nchДата: Среда, 05.10.2011, 21:50 | Сообщение # 10
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 113
Награды: 1
Город: Elabuga
Репутация: -55
Замечания: 100%
Извените за "археалогию" старой темы.

Но всё же хотелысь бы посматреть что за мод.
Остался ли у каго данный режим?
[off]p.s. Ссылка битая уже.

AlexEr117Дата: Пятница, 25.05.2012, 02:34 | Сообщение # 11
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 2
Награды: 0
Город: Mexico
Репутация: 0
Замечания: 0%
Cual es el Link? nsesito ayuda a descargarlo porfavor! D:
ArtemiosДата: Вторник, 11.09.2012, 11:19 | Сообщение # 12
Группа: I'm V.I.P.
Сообщений: 76
Награды: 1
Город: Екатеринбург
Репутация: 80
Замечания: 0%
Вы же русские все? Какого тогда по английски общаетесь?

Сообщение отредактировал Kievskiy - Понедельник, 03.12.2012, 20:32
Krow_likДата: Вторник, 11.09.2012, 11:25 | Сообщение # 13
Илитка SRC
Группа: Media-ProGroup
Сообщений: 2246
Награды: 197
Город: НиНо
Репутация: 3625
Замечания: 0%
Quote (Artemios)
Вы же русские все? Какого тогда по английски общаетесь?


Сообщение отредактировал Kievskiy - Понедельник, 03.12.2012, 20:32
МиленаДата: Понедельник, 08.04.2013, 01:32 | Сообщение # 14
Группа: Продвинутые
Сообщений: 102
Награды: 1
Репутация: 35
Замечания: 0%
Link is dead, epic killing :D

Life Is Life nana nanana
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