СылочкА)) Анти Чит, Ребята на переводчике начял переводить чушь получилось так что сами, ок? Ban for the most used cheats (weapons, some types of health cheats)
Ban for jetpack
Ban/kick for specific cheats from the most advanced cheat tool (spectate+carjacking)
Kick for teleporting
Kick laggers
Make money cheats useless
Prevent (command) spam
Prevent swearing/insulting
Prevent drive-by
Ban players temporary
Ban players (name) for ever!
Ban a player's IP without banning other player with the same IP
Example: The IP is range-banned 192.168.*.*. But you don't want to ban Charli with the IP, so you use
"/whiteadd Charli" to add him to the whitelist and he will be able to play!
"Plug & Play": You just need to include it. You don't need to add any of your codes (except some re-definitions if there are)
Speedhack detection
Vehicle spawn detection
Prevent capslock
Support filterscript+gamemode at the same time (JunkBuster.inc is for GM, JunkBuster_Client.inc is for FS or use JunkBuster.inc as filterscript)
Better anti-teleport
Immunity for admins
Block advertisement
Ban for speedhack
Detects airbreak and ban for it
Detects race checkpointteleport
Detects some types of weapon hacks
Ban for specific teleports (coordinates from cheat tools)
TogglePlayerControllable added - if you have enable freeze by JunkBuster, JunkBuster will prevent cheaters from unfreezing themselves
SetPlayerHealth modified - Prevent bans of innoncents
SetPlayerArmour modified - Prevent bans of innoncents
Ban for tankmode (undestructable vehicles)
Kick players with too low FPS
Kick C-Buggers
Kick players who are using 2-shot or aren't reloading properly (cheaters or bugabusers)
Kick for attempted use of singleplayer cheats
Desync of camera and goggles
Server-side weapons, it's not possible to use cheated weapons!
Server-side health/armour, it's not possible to refill health/armour with cheats!
(Unstable) detection of godmode! Be careful, this can cause wrong kicks/bans! If you want to know how it works, please read the source code.
Immediate detection of the Quick turn hack ==> Ban
Special anti-no reload functions for the sawn-off shotgun.
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